Welcome to JeepinGuy.com!

The place for online Jeepin' fun.

Pelican Darts. Poker and Billiards too!
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  Welcome to JeepinGuy.com!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my web site. Right now there is a few games, some online coloring pages, and a whole bunch of pictures that you can send to other Jeepers as a Jeep Wave E-card. Hoping to add more as time goes, if you have any suggestions feel free to send me an e-mail at . Always glad to have suggestions from other Jeepin' people.
Speaking of being other Jeepin' people, I just opened it up so that anyone can get a e-mail name @JeepinGuy.com. Check it out by clicking on Jeepin' Mail on the menu.
If years of Jeepin have taken their toll on your Wrangler, head to ExtremeTerrain for Jeep Wrangler Parts

That is my 1995 Jeep Wrangler Sport. It has seen fifteen Wisconsin winters so the rust is rampant on the poor thing. Over two hundred inches of total snow fall in the last two years has driven me south. We moved to Florida to escape those brutal winters. Now it is time to fix Ole Blue, I know his body is ailing pretty bad but the mechanics are still pumping great. Gotta love that 4.0 six!

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